BabyStyle Oyster Review

Good-looking, trendy, handles perfectly, offers an extremely smooth ride, roomy shopping basket, convenient for public transport, and folds and tucks away neatly -- what's not to like about the BabyStyle Oyster?

Reversible Stroller

Babystyle Oyster: The Pros

Reversible Stroller

Easy to push and offers a smooth ride. Although it's perfect for city mums who don't need a pushchair for frequent off road use, the ride remains smooth even when used on rougher surfaces due to its built in suspension. With the Oyster, there's no need to worry about rattling your baby when you tread bumpy terrains.

The Oyster offers everything a chic city Mum could ask for.

Great for Public Transport. The Oyster is easy to steer. The size is lass than 60cm wide so you don't have to worry about alighting on and off buses. It's perfect for Mums who frequently use public transportation.

Good-sized Basket. Every Mum needs ample space on their shopping basket nowadays. The Oyster has this well covered. The great thing is, the basket is accessible even if the seat is fully tilted back.

Suitable from birth to 15 kg. The back of the seat reclines up to 3 positions, but it doesn't recline to 150 degrees or more which are the best angles for newborn babies. So if you're going to use it from birth it's best to buy a carrycot and car seat with it.

Reversible Seat. Another fab feature is the reversible seat, and it can be folded regardless of which way the seat is facing! There's no fiddling or worrying whether you have everything set in the right settings first before folding, unlike other pushchairs.

Compatible with Several Car Seats. With the Oyster, you have 3 choices to choose from: -Oyster LB321 -Maxi Cosi Cabriofix -Britax Safe Car Seats

Easy to Store. When folded, the Oyster fits in the trunk of most medium sized cars. If your storage area is smaller, you can remove the seat and wheels to make it fit. Folded dimensions: with wheels - W56 x D40 x H75cm without wheels - W50 x D31 x H70cm.

The Cons

It's difficult to find fault with the Oyster but if I have to try, these would be:

-It lacks a carry handle, making it difficult to carry for prolonged periods of time
-It weighs heavy at 11kg.
-Not for frequent/regular off road or country road use.

The Oyster is highly recommended for parents with newly born infants who value practicality and style and get good value for their money at the same time. You can choose from the available colors: Black/green, Pearl White and Black/Pink.

BabyStyle Oyster Review
Reversible Stroller

4 Angle Grinder